Friday, June 13, 2008

UNESCO Lyceum attends Cafe Scientifique

Three UNESCO Lyceum officers recently attended a video conference sponsored by the British Council that aims to promote understanding and knowledge regarding present environmental challenges of the world.

The Café Scientifique video conference on “Climate Change Begins at Home” between Manila - London - Edinburgh was held on 5 June, 5:30PM-8:00PM at the British Council premises.
Café Scientifique events provide a unique forum for discussing topical and thought-provoking scientific issues in a way that is much more relaxed, informal and accessible than a public lecture. The event brought together young student leaders at universities, professionals, as well as community leaders to take part in the discussions on climate change: the science, impact, and roles of individuals and communities. UNESCO Lyceum was represented by LV De Guzman, Dionell Batoon (yours truly), and Ivy Bernardo, all senior students.
The event was led by Dr David Reay, a Climate Scientist and Research Fellow from the University of Edinburgh. Quentin Cooper of BBC Radio facilitated the event from London while Mitzi Borromeo, a local environmental advocate, facilitated in Manila.

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